I am pleased to share the Nuway Foundation 2019 Annual Report with our friends and partners. Our complete audited financial statements are available on Nuway Foundation.
This was the year that the world signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals, a new agenda for progress that will guide our efforts from now until 2030. We are deeply proud of all that we and our partners have achieved so far, and mindful of the great challenges that lie ahead.
To meet those challenges, we know we must be responsible stewards of the financial resources with which we have been entrusted. This report is intended to give you a clear and accurate picture of our ongoing efforts to carry out that stewardship.
Stewardship is important to us because we know where we want the foundation’s resources to be directed:
- Ensuring more children and young people survive and thrive.
- Empowering the poorest, especially women and girls, to transform their lives.
- Combatting infectious diseases that particularly affect the poorest.
- Inspiring people to take action to change the world.
By taking good care of the money vouchsafed to us, we can ensure that as much of it as possible goes toward these missions—toward fulfilling our shared vision of a world in which all people have the chance to live a healthy and productive life.